Candidates - Be Found

How Can We Help You?

You Are Unique

Recruiters are not usually qualified in every specialist area, but the best ones (like us!) have the depth of experience to talk through and understand your needs.

We try to provide the best experience possible throughout the recruitment process, offering career advice and doing our best to assist in your career development.

Our Screening Process

Our job roles are client-driven, with screening agreed upon with them. We take the position details from our clients and then start the process.

With all of our quality controls in place and an in-depth and detailed job order process, we always deliver quality candidates to our clients.

Our screening process involves non-biased telephone interviewing and behavioural-based video screening and may contain various client-agreed probity requirements relating to the particular needs of a job, such as rights to work, referencing, qualification checks, literacy and numeracy testing, police and working with children checks etc.

We will always let you know the outcome of the process, either way. That’s a promise.

CV Health Check

We are happy to give free advice and assistance with your CV content, its format and best industry practice to improve your chances in the job market.

Request a copy of our free ‘Tips and Tricks for a Better CV and Cover Letter’, whether you are applying for a job through us or not.